CHICAGO, Sept.louis vuitton handbag 9 (UPI) -- Job satisfaction ranks higher than benefits and pay as the reason U.S. workers stay with their current employers, a survey by the American Psychological Association suggests. While 60 percent of working adults said they remain with their current employers because of benefits and 50 said they stayed because of pay, 67 percent said they stay because their jobs fit well with other aspects of their lives.louis vuitton shop online The same percentage said they stayed on the job because they like what they do, the American Psychological Association said last month.Only 39 percent of respondents to the work-life survey cited lack of other job opportunities as a reason for staying with their current employers. "Americans spend a majority of their waking hours at work and, as such, they want to have harmony between their job demands and the other parts of their lives," David W. Ballard, head of APA's Psychologically Healthy Workplace Program, said in a statement.louis vuitton handbag "To engage the workforce and remain competitive, it's no longer sufficient to focus solely on benefits. Today, top employers create an environment where employees feel connected to the organization and have a positive work experience that's part of a rich, fulfilling life."Women were more likely to say work-life fit and job satisfaction were the reason they stayed with their current employers. Women were also more likely to say their relationships with their co-workers and managers, as well as their connection to the organization, were what kept them from seeking a different job.louis vuitton handbagsManagement consulting firms, which have a reputation for long hours and extensive business travel, are addressing quality-of-life issues with an eye toward attracting and retaining top employees"When it comes to choosing an employer, consulting candidates are increasingly emphasizing quality-of-life issues, such as satisfaction and firm culture, in addition to weighing the prestige of a firm," said last month in releasing their annual management and strategy consulting survey.While McKinsey & Company was named the Most Prestigious Consulting Firm for the 11th straight year in Vault's rankings, rival Bain & Co. was named the Best Consulting Firm to Work For for the second straight year.replica louis vuitton walletCenseo Consulting Group, which ranked 10th overall on the list, received top marks for employee satisfaction and firm culture."The firm would rather operate a project at a reduced profit by adding resources during peak periods versus overworking staff and burning consultants out," an employee was quoted as saying."People may not feel more secure their jobs, but the data suggest they are," John A. Challenger, chief executive officer of outplacement and executive coaching firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas messenger bag, said recently in a release. "And we hear from many employers that they are actually increasingly concerned about losing existing workers as the economy continues to improve." Jess Alberts, professor of human communications at Arizona State University, said demographics, economics and parenting styles have changed the way people look at work. "Younger people have different expectations for the workplace," she told UPI.louis vuitton speedy "They've seen their parents work for a very long time and then be laid off. They have less desire to invest as much of their lives in their work than the baby boomers did.Expectations are also changing for baby boomers, who have worked so hard for years and are now seeing less reward, Alberts said.Justin Boren, assistant professor of communications at Santa Clara University in California, says the pursuit of work-life balance can be a stressor in and of itself.louis vuitton purse for sale"It's very hard for many people to separate their work and their life," he said. "It is much easier to say work is their life."While the flexibility offered in many office environments today is a good thing, "the bad thing is the notion that we must seek balance to be good employees," Boren told UPI.Boren says the amenities offered by many top U.louis vuitton bags for saleS. corporations, such as on-site daycare, fitness centers and restaurant options are really designed to keep employees at work as long as possible."These companies offer a variety of programs designed to keep the employee happy but really what it does is keep them present," he said.Boren suggests people need to reframe their expectations.replica louis vuitton wallet"On an interpersonal level, seek social support," he said. Seeking co-workers, managers and people in their personal lives that can help ease the burden of their personal and work responsibilities.Reframing, however, can mean "giving up some of the things that you may idealize," he said. Alberts had a similar message about the need for people to stop expecting perfection in every aspect of their lives.louis vuitton monogram vernis"We expect mothers and fathers to be super involved while also holding a full-time job," she said. Focus on what is most important, she said. "If having dinner together every night is really important, then make sure you focus on that."Smartphones, social media, e-mail and texting have increasingly blurred the boundary between work and messenger bagAlberts suggests people turn off social media when they get home from work."You can turn off your e-mail, turn off your phone," Albert told UPI. "People need to send a very clear message about when they're available and when they're not."Albert said employers can help employees achieve a better work-life balance by being flexible about intruding into their private lives.louis vuitton belt "Bosses could do a great good if they stopped communicating with employees after the end of the day.
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So something like the cost of oil will have a much more lasting effect on the price of your cereal than the supply of handbags"Buying locally grown and locally produced food has many positive benefits but it won't necessarily leave more change in your pocket."Everybody is looking for local food," said Stanton. "But whether we like it or not, the food world is global and what happens in Brazil can have just as big an impact on handbag consumers as what happens in Nebraska."Higher grain prices and strong global demand for pork are putting pressure on the domestic supply but U.S. fears of a pending bacon shortage are misplaced, a major U.louis vuitton monogramS. pork processor and hog producer said."Contrary to recent media reports, there is no bacon shortage, at least not at Smithfield Foods Inc.," the company said in a messenger bag "Thanks to our company farms and national network of family farm partnerships, we are happy and proud to continue delivering high-quality, flavorful bacon and bacon products to our retail and food service customers."Smithfield, however, said high grain prices from the summer drought and ethanol policy will continue to be a financial hardship for domestic hog farmers and likely will cause many of them to cut production.The Food Institute says food inflation, including the impact of the drought in the Midwest this year, will cost a family of four $351.12 more in food spending in 2013 than in 2012, which comes out to about $6.handbags and wallets75 per week. The trade association, based in New Jersey, says the U.S. Department of Agriculture's latest food price projections for 2013 indicate prices for food at home will increase as much as 4 percent next year, with prices for food away from home projected to rise as much as 3.handbags and wallets5 percent.The Food Institute says most of the increase will be spent at meat counters, where annual costs are seen rising about $44 next year for a family of four, and about $30 for a two-person household.Fresh produce prices will add $23.44 more to a family's grocery bill next year, while processed fruit and vegetable expenditures should go up $11, the Food Institute projects.louis vuitton online store Environmentalists say rising demand for fossil fuels, a growing global population and global warming are exacerbating the issues created by the drought.Lester Brown, president of the Earth Policy Institute, said the "Great Drought of 2012" has raised corn prices to record highs and helped usher in "a new wave of food unrest."This year's corn crop shortfall will accelerate the transition from the era of abundance and surpluses to an era of chronic scarcity," Brown said in a statement. "As food prices climb, the worldwide competition for control of land and water resources is intensifying.handbags new"Brown, author of "Full Planet, Empty Plates: The New Geopolitics of Food Scarcity," said access to food is replacing access to oil as an overriding concern of governments. Food is the new oil, land is the new gold. Welcome to the new geopolitics of food."For Americans who spend only 9 percent of their income on food, the doubling of food prices is not a big deal," the Earth Policy Institute handbag "But for those who spend 50 to 70 percent of their income on food, it is a serious matter. ...louis vuitton belt There is little latitude for them to offset the price rise simply by spending more. They must eat less."Brown said farmers face new challenges on both sides of the food equation -- population growth and economic growth."As incomes rise, people eat more grain-intensive livestock and poultry products.louis vuitton wallet for sale Today, with incomes rising fast in emerging economies, there are at least 3 billion people moving up the food chain. The largest single concentration of these new meat eaters is in China, which now consumes twice as much meat as the United States."In 2011, the United States harvested nearly 400 million tons of grain. Of this, 32 percent went to ethanol distilleries.louis vuitton handbagBrown said farmers are also having to confront global warming."The massive burning of fossil fuels is increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, raising the Earth's temperature and disrupting climate. 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CHICAGO, Oct.louis vuitton purse for sale 14 (UPI) -- Grim economic figures and the fear of unemployment are doing little to put a damper on Halloween celebrations this year, with a record 170 million people planning to spend as much as $8 billion to celebrate the ghoulish holiday, retailers say.The National Retail Federation says 71.5 percent of Americans are in the Halloween mood this year, up from 68.6 percent last year and the most in the group's 10-year survey history.louis vuitton speedyThe average person will spend $79.82 on decorations, costumes and candy, up from $72.31 last year, with total Halloween spending expected to reach $8 billion."By the time Halloween rolls around each year, it's safe to say Americans have already spent two months preparing for one of the fastest-growing and most widely loved holidays of the year," NRF President and Chief Executive Officer Matthew Shay messenger bagWhen it comes to planning their costumes, 35.7 percent of consumers say their biggest source of inspiration is what they see in a retail store or costume shop. Online searches are popular with with 33.3 percent of costume messenger bag Fifteen percent say they'll use Facebook and 7 percent say they look at Pinterest.The average person will spend $28.65 on costumes this year, up slightly from $26.52 in louis vuitton bagsMore than half of people who plan to celebrate Halloween say they will decorate their home or yard, and 45 percent say they plan to dress in costume.More than a third of those surveyed said they plan to throw or attend a party and 33.2 percent will take children trick-or-treating. Fifteen percent say they plan to dress their pets in costumes messenger bagWhile more people are celebrating, 83.5 percent of consumers said they plan to spend less overall, with some saying they plan to make their own costumes and others planning to cut back on the amount of candy they purchase.A survey of 2,400 U.S.louis vuitton shop online adults by Harris Interactive suggests younger men and lower income families will spend the most on Halloween this year.The survey, conducted for, found men age 18-34 are the ones who anticipate spending the most on Halloween, an average $200, significantly higher than any other age group.Americans with an annual household income of less than $35,000 who said they plan to celebrate Halloween said they would likely spend an average $112, which was the highest reported of all income groups and more than twice as much as people with a household income between $50,000 to $75,000, who plan on spending about $52 .gucci messenger bagWake Forest University English professor Eric Wilson, author of "Everyone Loves a Good Train Wreck," says economic troubles may provide added incentive to delve into the ghoulish side of Halloween.Humans have a natural fascination with the macabre, he said, and harder times increase the desire to escape."What is Halloween but a night we can pretend to be someone else, setting aside our worries or regrets," Wilson said in a statement. "But when we remove the mask the next day, reality shuffles back into our lives like a relentless zombie.louis vuitton speedy That's true terror."People sometimes take a perverse pleasure in celebrating death and destruction, Wilson suggests."There is a true joy to Halloween, the ecstasy of transforming into another creature," Wilson says. "But in a time of financial crisis, when many are forced to face their limitations and mortality in unpleasant ways, it makes sense that Americans would be enchanted by dressing up as dead things, zombies and vampires and messenger bag"Wilson says the popularity of zombies and vampires in pop culture suggests Americans are more interested in the undead than ever."We can imagine the satisfaction of living without accountability, casting off humanity and turning into machines without morals," Wilson says. "Zombies overcome death, vampires rule time, ghosts vanquish space and vampires and other shape-shifters transcend a stable identity."On a more basic level, "They are simply scary and we like to be bags online It's the ultimate thrill ride.
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Thanksgiving is coming and Butterball is ready to help
CHICAGO, Nov.louis vuitton online store 18 (UPI) -- It's 8 a.m. on Thanksgiving and the turkey still is in the freezer. Is the holiday ruined? Will this mean pizza for dinner? What's a novice cook to do?Well, call the Butterball Turkey Talkline for advice.louis vuitton purseButterball has been talking cooks through disasters for years and estimates it reaches 1 million people a year through the 1-800-Butterball toll-free line, social media and live chats. There's even an app for that -- right now just limited to the iOS platform."People still like to talk to a person especially when they're panicked," turkey talkline specialist Marsha Barnish said.Turkey preparation has changed over the years but a couple of rules always apply: Start defrosting the bird a week in advance and cook it until the breast meat temperature is 165 to 170 degrees and the dark meat is 180.louis vuitton speedy Then let the bird rest at least 15 minutes to give the juices a chance to set to make it easier to carve.For the novice cook, a shallow roasting pan, rack and a spritz of cooking spray are the easiest approach, Barnish said. No rack? Use crumpled up foil or celery sticks to give the turkey breathing room from the bottom of the pan to allow the heat to circulate. The trick is to make sure the bird is cooked thoroughly generally 3 3/4 to 4 1/2 hours for a 10- to 18-pound stuffed turkey at 325 degrees.louis vuitton wallet for sale For an unstuffed bird, cooking time can be reduced to 3 to 3 1/2 hours. But because all ovens vary, a meat thermometer should be used."Really any method is great," Barnish said. "People try lots of different things.replica louis vuitton wallet If you have a good family recipe, go with that."Some people brine their birds, soaking them in saltwater overnight and adding various ingredients to infuse flavors. Others cook them in deep fryers, which can be dangerous. State Farm and the Illinois Fire Service Institute advise against using a turkey fryer indoors, overfilling the fryer or trying to defrost the bird at the last minute using a garden hose.louis vuitton monogram Another big mistake is dumping in ice to cool the oil.Barnish has a few favorite stories, like the woman who bought her turkey, put it in her trunk and forgot about it for a couple of days."She wanted to know if she could still prepare it," Barnish said. "It all depends on temperature.louis vuitton monogram It's different in California than Michigan. ...louis vuitton purse for sale Typically two days in the trunk is not going to work."Then there was the young man who was cooking his first turkey."He had moved across the country. He'd watched his mother and thought he had it down pat," Barnish messenger bag "He called and said the top was getting too brown. Turned out he had the oven on broil instead of bake. The bottom of the turkey was still raw.Some of the stories are kind of sad and sweet at the same time, she messenger bag"An older gentleman called. His wife had just passed away but he wanted to continue the tradition and have his kids and grandkids over. He was going to prepare his first turkey. We helped handbags He called back and thanked us."Many of the calls come from people who didn't realize how long it takes to defrost a frozen turkey."They call Thanksgiving morning wanting to know how they are going to get it thawed. We help them through the quick thaw method [soaking the turkey in water, changing the water periodically].louis vuitton online store You can start cooking from frozen but that's not ideal," she said."We also get calls from people with power outages. They want to know how to finish it. And there was the newlywed who forgot to take out the louis vuitton bags We told her to just discard the giblets. It was fine."Of course, Barnish wasn't always an expert."The first turkey I did out of college, I left the giblets in," she admitted.louis vuitton wallet for saleThe cost of this year's feast is up 28 cents from last year to $49.48 for a turkey and all the trimmings for 10 people, the American Farm Bureau Federation estimated. Still a bargain, says AFBF President Bob Stallman, although farm bureau figures indicate the price has nearly doubled since 1989 when the cost was $24.70.louis vuitton paris"Thanksgiving dinner is a special meal that people look forward to all year," John Anderson, AFBF deputy chief economist, said in a release. "Most Americans will pay about the same as last year at the grocery store for a turkey and all the trimmings. A slight increase in demand for turkey is responsible for the moderate price increase our shoppers reported for the bird."The farm bureau says the average turkey will run $22.louis vuitton purse23 this year while miscellaneous ingredients used to prepare the meal -- onions, eggs, sugar, flour, evaporated milk and butter -- will cost $3.18 and a dozen brown-n-serve rolls will cost $2.33.As for the other components, a 1-pound relish tray of carrots and celery will cost 76 cents; 1/2 pint whipping cream, $ bags online83; 14-ounce package of cubed stuffing, $2.77; three pounds of sweet potatoes, $3.15; gallon of milk, $3.59; 12 ounces of fresh cranberries, $2.louis vuitton speedy45; one pound of green peas, $1.66; 30-ounce pumpkin pie mix, $3.02; and two pie shells, $2.51.louis vuitton online storeThe Census Bureau notes the first Thanksgiving was a three-day festival in the Plymouth Colony to celebrate the harvest and became a federal holiday in 1863 -- with the fourth Thursday of November (never the fifth) the designated day.Americans have an understandable fondness for everything Thanksgiving judging by the number of towns with turkey in their names, including Turkey Creek, La., Turkey, Texas, and Turkey Creek, Ariz. The Census Bureau says there are also 11 townships around the country with Turkey in their names, including three in Kansas.louis vuitton purse for sale Not to be overshadowed, homage also is paid to cranberries -- Cranbury, N.J.; two Cranberry townships in Pennsylvania, one in Butler County and the other in Venango County. Plymouth also gets its due in Minnesota, Massachusetts, Missouri, Arkansas, and California.louis vuitton shop online
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